"But I had almost stopped believing; I had almost lost my faith because I was jealous of proud people. I saw wicked people doing well."- Psalms 73:2-3, NCV

It's a matter of immense concern to the believer when things don't seem to go well with him, despite being faithful to God; and on the contrary, proud, wicked and unbelieving people do well in life. If we are to be honest with ourselves, this remains an intriguing question that keeps agitating the minds of most believers. Some "had almost stopped believing;" and "had almost lost ... faith" because of this issue (see Ps 73:3, NCV). Others became so disillusioned and " ... began  to long for what they had." - Psalm 73:3 NIRV.

    In his mind, the child of God begins to get extremely agitated, thinking for instance:

"Is it for nothing, then, that I have kept myself pure and have not committed sin?" - Psalm 73:13 GNT. Child of God, with thoughts like these going on in your mind, do you consider giving up as an option?

Let's consider Joseph, for instance.

Can you imagine his thoughts whilst languishing in prison? He would say to himself: "I served my master with honesty and with integrity for these number of years. Weighed in the balance, I’m more faithful than my master's wife. I kept my loyalty to God and to my master, daily fleeing sexual immorality and other vices. What is my reward? A dungeon!"

Most times, don't you reason that the more you try to do what is right, the worse it gets! Haven't you ever asked God "Why me? or What have I done to deserve this?"

       It's most certain that Joseph wrestled with these or similar thoughts as he lived with circumstances of life that ran counter to God’s revealed will for him.

Yet, in spite of these thoughts, Joseph maintained his integrity before God. Would he lose faith in God and begin to live sinfully contrary to God's will? Though he had very limited freedom in his life, yet no one could take the right to choose his response to all that had happened to him. He chose his response!

     The point I want you to understand is that if Joseph could survive his temptations and he maintained his integrity before God, why not ourselves who are functioning under a better Covenant? God is watching your response to the trials and the temptations put on your way by satan the devil. Seeing the prosperity of the wicked, eg; would you stop believing God or rather, lose your faith in Him? Do you consider joining the path of the wicked in order to have your desires satisfied or do you wait on the Lord, knowing that He will never fail you? The choice is yours!

     But before you make your choice, remember that Joseph and the Saints of old are part of the "so great a cloud of witnesses" in heaven that will be called in by God as He judges you (see Heb 12:1). Whatever you are going through in this present life, there are others that went through it (1Pet 5:9) and nevertheless, remained faithful to God and have become examples to us (Jam 5:10-11). These are the men and women of faith whose names are mentioned in Hebrews Chapter 11, God's Hall of Fame!


Dearest Heavenly Father, I remain resolute and convinced that you will never fail or disappoint me in spite of circumstances in my life to the contrary.