"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." - Lk 2:11

Christmas is the season we remember and celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and particularly, God's goodness, kindness and magnanimity in saving mankind through His only Begotten Son.

   This is the true essence of Christmas! The season therefore, is one important both to God and man. As men, its importance is underscored in the coming of his Saviour and his Redemption. God expects that we keep this in mind as we celebrate Christmas.

    To those who have never experienced Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, this season presents to them the opportunity to reminisce and brood at the same time over their lives, the events past, and to reflect the same on the Reason for the season.

   In your joy and celebration at Christmas, keep aglow in your hearts the love of God depicted in the gift of His only Begotten Son to mankind. Reach out to those in need. Show love to the seemingly undeserving ones around you. Forgive those that offended you. Be available to those that need your attention. Share your earthly blessings with others. Lend a helping hand to the downtrodden. Seek and find the lowly that you may show him love and assurance in God. This is the spirit of Christmas. I solemnly urge you to maintain its sanctity and not to give yourselves to orgies that are devilish and a contradiction of God's intent as far as this season is concerned!

   Once again, merry Christmas in advance in Jesus name.