The rain of the miracle is falling on me today

O let it fall, even let it overflow

Aka, Chineke, He is raining blessings today

Aka Aka ya

Aka Jehovah nemema


"His heavens shall drop down dew. " - Deut 33:28

  GOD is saying to someone reading this devotional this morning that the remaining part of this year shall be filled with abundant miracles in Jesus' Mighty name. No matter what is happening around the globe today, your case and my case is different as a covenant child of God, in Jesus, name.

   The Holy Bible says "His heavens shall drop down dew." As we all know, Heaven is a place filled with the best things of life and the Holy Spirit inclusive. The apostles of old were endued with the Power from on High and were turned into great men of their time, doing wonders for their Master. Also, as we are endued with the Holy Ghost we shall do great and awesome things for the Lord, in Jesus name.

  The dew dropping down from Heaven means great and awesome happenings. Essentially, this is a reference to the Holy Spirit. We need the dew from Heaven especially at a time like this. Without the Spirit of God, we become discouraged, dry and withered.

 "And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high." - Luke.24:49.

No wonder Jesus said to His disciples to tarry until they were endued with the Power from on High. How sweetly refreshing is this dew to us on a daily basis! When we are endowed with Him, we are filled with joy, power and courage, despite all that goes around us. Besides, Holy Spirit comforts, instructs, and directs us.

"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.... But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law." - Gal.5:16 - 18.

We may want nothing more besides the Holy Spirit. He brings us a beautiful life, a life that conforms to the pleasure of the Savior. Having Him in us is extremely important!

 "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; " - Eph.5:18.

        If there is anything we should hunger and thirst for, it's the desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit. When we are endued with the Power from on High, every means of grace will abound. With Him in our lives, we are no more left to our natural, helpless state that is defenseless and open to satanic oppression and temptation.

     Dare to be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT at a time like this.


Thank You Heavenly Father for endowing me with the Dew from Heaven, in the person of the Holy Spirit, our Helper. Fill me upto the brim dear Lord, in Jesus' mighty name.