Jesus can do all things,

O yes;

 He can do all things,

O yes.


"For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off." (Proverbs chapter 23 verse 18)

    Whatever that has a beginning also has an end.

   I say unto someone that is reading this devotional this morning that the end to every unpleasantness in your life has come, in Jesus' Mighty name.

  No matter what you are going through, believe that God is turning your life around and your testimony is springing forth, in Jesus' Mighty name.

  You might say, ‘does this woman know what I'm going through? Does she know how long this thing has been raging in my family? Truly, I may not know what it is and how long it has been raging in your life or family. One thing I  know is that there is a God that knows all things and everything about you. He knows your pain and all your sorrows because He is the all-knowing God. He is the Ancient of days. He knows how long the problem has been raging in the family. What is more, He has the answer and the solution to all  problems including your problems. Hallelujah!

        Our Scripture reading for today says, "For surely there is an end;..." (Proverbs chapter 23 verse 18)

  What an encouraging Word to you my beloved brother or sister.

  I want to encourage you also to take God's Word hook, line and sinker. Do not allow the devil's lies to rob you of what God is about to do in your life. Your circumstances may not align with what the Word of God is saying to us right now, but choose to believe God's Word over the devil's lies. The Word of God is life unto your spirit.

  If you are not born again, I will advise that you give your life to Jesus Christ so that He becomes the Lord of your life because the Bible says,

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (Second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17)

  The good news is that everyone born again is special to God and you must see yourself as such. It's good we understand the honor and the dignity attached to the new life that has been inputted into us. God rates you as a special treasure to Him; after all, what makes a treasure to be classified as outstanding and special is the value attached to it.

         Our new birth in Christ Jesus brings us into a special atmosphere. Let us look at what the book of Colossians chapter 1 verse 13 says, "Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:"

Identifying yourself with Jesus serves to change your life, position and environment. Let me repeat it once again. In Christ Jesus, you have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into a much more superior arena, the Kingdom of God's Beloved Son. Truth is, this fact has been accomplished already. It's not something God is going to do for you. It's already a done deal! All you need to do now is to acknowledge it and start seeing yourself as such and you'll see it manifest, in Jesus name.

  Dare to believe God's Word and you will find it just as it says. Praise the Lord!


Thank You Heavenly Father for bringing an end to every unpleasantness in my life. I have begun to enjoy the new life in Christ Jesus including all the attendant benefits, in Jesus' Mighty name.