"... men ought always to pray, and not to faint; ..." - Lk 18:1

It has been said that when we take one step to God, He takes seven towards us. No one has ever received from God exactly as he had asked of Him because He's God that is "... able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us," -  Eph 3:20.

       Like the Father of the prodigal son who had earnestly awaited the son's return, so God awaits our moments of communion with Him. God wants to do good and great things in your life (1 Cor 2:9); but He does not want to be seen as an intruder, or One that does things no one has asked Him to do. Besides, He wants you to ask in prayers and as He grants the request, you may know that He did it in response to your asking. God forbids us to attribute His deeds to idols or self.

        As you make time to pray this day, may the Hand that moves all else move in your favour, in Jesus Mighty Name.


Dearest Heavenly Father, thank you for the privilege of prayer. I pray that you strengthen me to have regular fellowship with you, in Jesus name.