"And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward:" (Exodus 14 verse 15, King James Version).

There are moments in our lives that we become hesitant about what to do next in life. This may be due to certain prevailing circumstances that we consider inimical and antipathetic to our cause. At such times, we become disinclined and reluctant to take further steps towards achieving our life's goal; we stay action until we see a change of conditions to warrant further action from us.

     It was so with the people of God as they left Egypt to the promised land. No doubt, their journey to the promised land was God ordained, yet difficulties and hindrances sprung up as time went by, making the task onerous and doubtful.

      Sometimes, people think that if our tasks are God ordained, we shouldn't have problems with them. This is far from the truth. Understand, dear child of God that the Lord has an adversary who opposes His plans and extends his opposition to His obedient people. Indeed, one of the ways to know that you are on the path of truth is that often, it's lined up with difficulties (Matthew 7 verse 14). Are you on the path to fulfilling God's will for your life? Don't expect things to go rosy for you, with the devil standing idly by and giving you a red carpet treatment. The case of Apostle Paul readily comes to mind. The adversary stirred up tremendous opposition against him as he strove to do God's will for his life (2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verses 23 to 29, chapter 12 verse 7).

     Nevertheless, I have a Word from the Lord for someone reading this devotional message this morning. I heard Him asking me to tell you to move forward with what you are proposing to do! Although you had waited for a good while, trying to figure out what to do next, the time has come for you to go forward to the next level of what the Lord has asked you to do in life.

    Moses and the people of God equally faced frustrating and debilitating circumstances as they journeyed to the promised land. They had the Egyptian forces behind them, mountains on their sides and the Red Sea in front of them. The situation apparently looked very dire and dismal. It was such that deciding to move forward in the face of those obstacles would not only be termed stupid, unreasonable but dangerous. Yet, God's Word to Moses was,

"Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward:" (Exodus 14 verse 15).

   Therefore, let not your heart be troubled. You may not see a way out for you to take right now, but by faith, start moving. Begin with a prayer of thanksgiving, telling the Holy Spirit of your decision to comply with the message coming to you this morning. Thereafter, proceed to take a step of faith toward your goal. I'm convinced that as you do so, the Lord will open up your "Red Sea" miraculously for you to go through, in Jesus name.


Thank You Father for your Word to me, asking me to go forward. I believe and I comply with Your Word, in Jesus name.