"And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also" - Numbers 20:11.

         Apparently, one would count this as success; after all, there was a miracle and the congregation's quest for water was met! But a closer look inward reveals sin (disobedience). Moses struck the Rock whereas God told him to to speak to it (Numbers 20:8). On a previous occasion, in Exodus 17:5-6, God's instruction to Moses was to smite the Rock, which he did and there was a miracle. But on this latter occasion, God's word to Moses was to speak to the Rock for the miracle (Numbers 20:8). Rather, he struck it, and twice he did!

        Never take success for the same thing as result! There's a big difference. Success is far better than result, as the latter may be cheap and may come without regards to established norms. To many people, the end justifies the means. But to the child of God, it's the other way around, the means justifies the end. How you got it matters! Nowadays, there's so much disregard for due process. This is utterly unacceptable! Can you please pause for a moment and ask yourself whether what you are planning to do is pleasing to God?  

   In the case under consideration, the people rejoiced over the miracle; yet God chided Moses for disobedience. "And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed Me not, to sanctify Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which l have given them" - Numbers 20:12. God said "Because ye believe Me not ...". It's sad that the word "believe" has been watered down merely to acknowledge that Someone (God) is in existence; but in  actual fact, the word "believe" connotes in addition "obedience"! In simple and clear terms, God had allowed Moses to perform a miracle, though in disobedience; but  it resulted in God's displeasure, costing him entry to the Promised Land.

      This is a very dangerous path for servants or children of God to tread in.  Today, so many people rejoice over results, miracles, signs and wonders without taking a look at how they came about. As a minister of the gospel, can you take a break to assess yourself and see whether you have all along treaded the path of sin or disobedience? As a child of God, can you re-examine what you call results in life's affairs to see if there are traces of sin or disobedience in the process? 

Remember, in the case of Moses and Aaron, it cost them entry into the promised land (Numbers 20:12). How sad it will be when Jesus will say to some who were greatly used to do signs, wonders and miracles: "depart from Me all ye workers of iniquity" - Luke 13:27.

         May it never be so with us in Jesus name!


Dearest Heavenly Father, may I never be caught in the web of sin and disobedience, in Jesus name.