"And the inhabitant (of Zion) shall not say, I am sick:" (Isaiah chapter 33 verse 24, King James Version, emphasis mine).

The reference to healing as children's bread comes from the encounter of the Syrophenician woman of Mark chapter 7 verses 24 to 30. This Canaanite woman had sought the Lord Jesus to heal her daughter and the Lord used the metaphor of "children's bread" to refer to healing as belonging to God's children.

     Are you a child of God? If so, healing belongs to you, for according to the Lord Jesus, it's your bread. You should be seen and living your life feasting on the bread of divine health.

     Bread, in Jesus' days and even today is a staple food, common and easy to lay hands on. When the Lord Jesus used the metaphor of "children's bread" in Mark chapter 7 verse 27, His aim is to give us to understand that healing shouldn't be a problem with the child of God! To Him, healing among God's children should be a common occurrence as bread is with children.

       Unfortunately today, too many Christians see healing as a rare phenomenon. But for a few exceptions, the Church of this age is almost giving up on healing as a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith. To the contrary, I want to establish through this medium that healing constitutes and remains an integral part of our faith in Christ and that every Christian should constantly take shots at it.

      First and foremost, understand that as a Christian, you were born into health. 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 20 states that Christ "was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times" for us.  As a Christian, whether you look at it from the angle of Christ's foreordination before the foundation of the world or from when He was manifested over 2,000 years ago, it's a settled fact that you were born into health. This happened the moment you became born again and received Christ into your life. Any wonder that Matthew chapter 8 verse 17 and 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 24 are in the past tense?

     Your being born again served to activate the "law of life in Christ Jesus" into your life as opposed to the law of sin and death (Romans chapter 8 verse 2) The "law of sin and death", an offshoot of the old Adamic nature is the basis for sickness, disease and death. As you came into Christ, a new law, the "law of life in Christ Jesus" came into force in your life which new law has completely supplanted the old law, the "law of sin and death". The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Life that dwells in us sees to it that this new law is enforced in our lives. He does this by quickening or restoring our mortal bodies, so that sickness cannot thrive in us (Romans chapter 8 verse 11)

 This is the reason why our testimony in the Kingdom of Zion, into which as Christians we have been translated (Colossians chapter 1 verse 13) is that none shall "say, I am sick" (Isaiah chapter 33 verse 24). Apostle James corroborated this state of our Christian experience when he asked "Is any sick among you?" (James chapter 5 verse 14). This question implies that sickness isn't to be a common thing among Christians. By implication, the child of God should walk in divine health.

      But assuming that owing to our carelessness we get sick, what do we do? Watch out for subsequent parts in the series for the answer.


Father, thank You because in Christ, You have taken care of my health because I was born into health, in Jesus name.