"GOD"  OR  "DOG" ?

" And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: This is the first commandment "  - Mk 12:29-30.

A close look at the appellations "GOD" and "DOG" reveals that they both have three similar and reversible letters. Depending on whichever one you mean, all you have to do is to reverse the letters and you have either "GOD" or "DOG".

   We all know who GOD is ! The Bible introduces Him to us; and throughout that holy book, we understand that He is Creator and Sustainer of the entire universe. In that capacity, He deserves not only our worship but the best of it.

   The DOG, on the other hand, is a creature of GOD, an animal, domesticated by man, another of GOD'S creation. The DOG has for long been man's best friend amongst the creatures of GOD. But in some cultures, one feature that has characterized the relationship between the DOG and man is that  man hardly thinks that the DOG deserves the best of treatment. In such places, for instance, the DOG gets "left overs" of food.

   Care must be taken not to treat GOD in that perspective, giving Him only your "leftovers" of time, money, attention, love, care, service and worship; etc. GOD is not DOG! GOD is a great KING! If He were in need, He would not seek your help. Hear Him " If l were hungry, l would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof " (Ps 50:12). So therefore, GOD should be revered.

   Don't be busy and have no time or little time for GOD. Ever be in His presence. Be glad to go before Him. In Psalm 84, verses 1 to 4, the Psalmist envies the sparrow whose nest is in GOD'S tabernacle; because it is ever in GOD'S presence. To be busy without GOD in view is to be under satan's yoke.

  GOD deserves and demands your best and all. Akin to a husband who is jealous over his wife's infidelity, so is GOD. He is a jealous GOD; and indeed, His name is JEALOUS (Exo 34:14). Every relationship grows when there is time created for one another! As no woman can resist love, so also GOD. Indeed, He is love (1 Jn 4:8). In the same vein, GOD cannot resist worship. He dwells in it ( Ps 22:3). Your worship of GOD must be full, complete and whole!  NO RESERVATIONS! WE MUST BE COMPLETELY DEVOTED TO HIM. "GOD" IS NOT "DOG" that should be given "leftovers".

   Wishing you a blessed day.


Dearest Heavenly Father, you are Foremost in my life and you deserve the best of my time and of all my possessions;  and I accordingly give same unto you, in Jesus mighty name