"And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself.  And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity.  And he laid his hands on her: and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God." (Luke 13 verses 11 to 13, King James Version).

There's a whole lot of connection between sickness and the devil. Like I said earlier, satan is the author of sickness and disease; God is not! Jesus, the Lord told us categorically that satan (the thief) came to steal, kill and destroy, but He came to give us life to the full (John 10 verse 10).

    In our Scripture reading for today, the Bible says that the woman in question had a "spirit of infirmity". This was the cause of her ailment. This was the demon that animated or that gave life to the disease that she was afflicted with. The Holy Spirit called it a "spirit of infirmity" which had afflicted her, making her to bow together for 18 years (Luke 13 verse 11).

    Had Doctors been asked to examine her, they would call it arthritis of the spine, displaced vertebrae, or some other medical term. Of course, they will be correct as far as medical science is concerned. Nevertheless, the real source of the trouble was that a spirit of infirmity from satan had bound her. Indeed, medical science would not mention that a spirit of infirmity was the cause of her ailment. That being the case, the solution was to rebuke satan's oppression, cast out the spirit, and she would be healed. That is exactly what Jesus did and she was set free.

      Some years ago, a policeman came to our Church and when his traveling document was read, he was said to be posted to Kaduna from Benin city, both in Nigeria for a special assignment. He was a very faithful brother and I noticed that each time after fellowship, whether on weekdays or on Sundays, he would go to the altar, pray and leave a seed offering thereon.

     One day, I asked him why he was doing that. He told me that his wife had lost three pregnancies since marriage and that he was told that a "strong woman" was responsible for the plight of his wife. I told him that the name of Jesus is stronger than the "strong woman" in question. Furthermore, I told him that the Lord had brought him to Kaduna to meet with me and that this was the real reason for his transfer to Kaduna for the special duty as aforesaid.

  I proceeded to pray for his wife, using him as a point of contact. On the first day of prayer, I simply rebuked and cast out of the wife the spirit of the "strong woman" and commanded liberty to his wife in Jesus name. He departed to Benin city shortly thereafter and a few months after his departure, he called to inform us that his wife was pregnant. The testimony is that as at the time we spoke last, she had birthed two children and the wife is completely free from the oppression of the wicked. Praise the Lord!


Lord, I put my trust in Your name to bring me healing and deliverance from demonic activities, in Jesus name.