"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." (John 10 verse 10, King James Version)

This verse is self explanatory. But in order to know where to place disease, we will endeavor to explain its source.

God is not the Author of disease. Rather, it comes from the devil.

    The inerrant Word of God reveals to us the devil's ministry, which is to steal, to kill and to destroy; whereas, the Lord Jesus is said to come that we might have life and to have it to the full (John 10 verse 10)

     Every known disease has a life or a germ that causes it to grow. That life is evil because it kills and destroys human life. This accords to the ministry of the devil and contrary to that of Jesus that came to give humanity life to the full. It is that evil life, or spirit of infirmity, that gives life to the disease, making it grow and continue its destructive work in the human body. This is akin to how the spirit in us animates our body. As soon as the spirit is removed, the body dies (see Psalms 104 verse 29)

     Just as in James 2 verse 26, we are told that the body without the spirit is dead, so with disease; when its life giving spirit, otherwise known as the spirit of infirmity is cast out in Jesus name, that disease dies, decays and passes from the body. This is how healing begins.

    Sunday was involved in an automobile accident and was brought to our program for healing. He had a broken leg and the doctors had placed an iron rod in the leg. His major concern was that the leg wasn't healing. When his turn came to be prayed for, I simply laid hands on him and cast out of him the spirit of infirmity that was causing him pain in the name of Jesus. Instantly, he received his healing and began to walk without aid. Praise the Lord!

      As believers, Jesus gave us the authority to cast out devils in His name. In Sunday's case, a demon was responsible for his condition. Once the demon was cast out, the pain left and he was healed.


Father, thank You for sending Jesus to destroy the works of the devil in my life and to bring me abundant life. I'm healed and completely delivered from the devil's captivity, in Jesus name.