"He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions."

(Psalms 107 verse 20, King James Version).

Notice that this verse of Scripture doesn't say that God sent his Word to heal and deliver, but that He sent His Word and HEALED and DELIVERED them. You see, God considers it done. I had said time without numbers that in God's mind, everyone is saved, healed, delivered and blessed. He did all these and much more for humanity in Christ Jesus, His Son. Right now, what stands between you and your salvation, healing, deliverance and what have you, is whether or not you have placed your faith in God's Son and in His Word. God is no respecter of persons, but He does respect FAITH in His Son and in His Word!

      Healing is one of the fulfilled promises of God and for us in Christ, it's not only given us by God with a resounding yes, but it has become Children's bread for us as His people. The Bible says it as follows:

"For all of God’s promises have been FULFILLED in Christ with a RESOUNDING “YES!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory " (2nd Corinthians 1 verse 20, New Living Translation. Emphasis added).If the Bible says so, then it must be exactly what it says. Our responsibility then as God's children is to put our faith in God's Word in order to have it fulfilled in our lives.

    As I was preaching in our November edition of "Beauty for Ashes" program today in Kaduna, I stressed that most of us don't really understand what it means to be a "believer" in Christ. To be a "believer" entails putting our faith and trust in God's Word as long as it takes, irrespective of imposing adverse circumstances of life. To the "believer", I stressed further, there's no room for reneging on or retraction of faith and trust in God's Word. "I'd rather die believing in God's Word than die a backslider", I added. We've got to stay believing until we receive what we believe Him for.

   Yes, God heals! Let me share with you what happened today in our program:

     My family and I were among the first people to arrive at the venue at about 6:45 am. There in Church, I saw a man who was coming for the first time. Immediately, I perceived that he was around to seek the Lord for a solution to a terrible situation that he was going through. I almost approached him to ask what the problem was, but I decided to hold on till ministration time.

   Shortly after the program commenced, but before I got deeply engaged, the fellow that invited him asked to see me with him. As he narrated his problem, he was full of tears. His predicament was that strange objects were moving all around his body and that at such moments, his entire body would be on tormenting fire.  He stated that hospitals and doctors couldn't help him. He revealed in addition that he had visited places he shouldn't go as a Christian. I assured him of God's love and care and told him to get ready for healing at ministration time.

    When it came to his turn during ministration, I requested the Pastors around to lay hands on him and to pray for him. Immediately, he fell under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I took over from that point, rebuked the demon of infirmity and cast it out. He again fell under the anointing and by the time he got up, he testified to his complete deliverance and healing. According to him, he felt lighter and the strange objects moving in him had stopped their movements. He went back home completely healed! Glory to God!


Lord, I'm glad to learn that you heal the sick. Thank You for healing me, in Jesus name.