"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him." (Acts  10 verse 38, King James Version)

Yes, God heals!

What I'm about to share with you in this series is the truth and it's important that you get a hold of it. The Bible says that God's people are gone into captivity because of the lack of knowledge (Isaiah 5 verse 13). The accurate knowledge of God's Word  forms part of the armor of God that we are to put on that we might be able to withstand in the evil day (Ephesians 6 verse 13). Understand that surely, an evil day will somehow come your way in life. In the face of that, only the knowledge of the truth (God's Word) will bring freedom, deliverance and liberty (John 8 verse 32). Whenever God finds anyone believing Him and standing on His truth, He shows up with signs and wonders.

    Unfortunately, the major problem with the Church of God today is the lack of the knowledge of God's Word. That being the case, we see the devil having a field day in his onslaughts against the Church. Let this serve as a clarion call to the Church to wake up from slumber and to return to the Word of God.

     In this new series, I will attempt to show you through the Word of God that the matter of healing has been settled for us in Christ Jesus. I will in addition, give testimonies of God's intervention in the lives of people that came to us for healing. All of these are to settle your faith in the fact that God heals.

    For instance, in October 2015, my friend, Rev Phillip Marcus then of the Assemblies of God Church Kpoto, Kabala West Section Kaduna District brought Abigael to our program for prayer. Obviously, she had lost her mind and wasn't talking. The parents had taken her to the hospital for treatment and seeing that there was no improvement, eventually resorted to prayer. After I had prayed for her, casting out the demon of insanity in Jesus name, we simply believed that she was healed, though nothing instantly changed to indicate that she was healed.

    About two or three months thereafter, I got news from Rev Phillip Marcus, who was also her Pastor that she had become well. Later, the same Pastor informed me that following her healing, Abigael had become an official of the girls department in the Church. I tried to invite them to our program to testify, but for one reason or the other, they couldn't come.

   In December 2016, my wife was invited to minister in the Assemblies of God Kaduna District Girl's convention. As my eyes ran through the congregation, I found Abigael sitting among other girls very much healthy and wearing the same cardigan that she wore to our program. We brought her out and there and then, shared her testimony to the congregation. Indeed, God heals!

   I have shared this testimony to prove and encourage you that God heals. As you believe Him for healing, be rest assured that He will not fail you, in Jesus name.


Father, thank You for healing me of my sickness or disease. As You did it for others, I know that You have done it for me as well, in Jesus name.