"Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel." - Psalms 78:41 (KJV).

In part 1 in the series, we discussed how we could limit God by reason of our inability or failure to function in the fullness of God's power. Like I said, God will do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that works in us (Eph 3:20).

     Today, we'll examine how in our dealing with God, we can get our human best and yet fall far short of what God wills for us. This can be very sad. It's like a man falling short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23). Most times, we find ourselves in this situation. Take for example the case of Joseph in Potiphar's house. God's will for Joseph was to be Prime Minister over the entire State of Egypt. This, like it is to us in most instances, was unknown to him. But here was satan presenting to him 'complete charge' over Potiphar's house through his wife, if only he could lie with her. This satanic offer, in comparison to that of God, is undoubtedly infinitesimal. What is the complete charge over Potiphar's house in comparison to being the Prime Minister over the entire nation of Egypt? Yet at the time satan offered it to Joseph, it was mind-blowing and any ramshackle Christian could fall for it. But not so with Joseph and for the fact that Joseph feared God, he would have gotten himself off God's best for him! Hear him:

"There is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" - Genesis 39:9 (KJV).

Under these circumstances, all that Joseph needed to do in order to be fully in charge of Potiphar's house was to succumb to his wife's request. But not so with Joseph! Had Joseph sinned against God in the matter of Potiphar's wife, he would have limited God, and scuttled His plans for him. The Bible says that righteousness exalts, but sin is a reproach (Prov 14:34). The CJB translation says it better:

"Righteousness makes a nation great, but sin degrades any people." - Prov 14:34, CJB

Had Joseph sinned against God in the matter of Potiphar's wife, he would have degraded himself thereby and missed out of God's plan for his life.

       Most times, we limit God by our sinful lifestyles. Unfortunately, most people don't understand this! Truth is, when we chose to live in sin, what we're saying to God is that we don't believe Him. Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness (Gen 15:6; Rom 4:5) Jesus told us that only those that believe God will see His glory made manifest (Jn 11:40).

    The children of Israel were on their way to the Promised Land. But the account of the Holy Spirit about them is that "they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel." - Psalms 78:41 (KJV). Here, their turning back and tempting God related to the matter of their sinful character. Heb 3:11 states that because of their unbelief, they couldn't enter into God's rest.

One of the Greek words translated "unbelief" can also mean "failure to be persuaded." The children of Israel could not enter into the Promised Land because they could not be persuaded to believe God. By their un-persuade ableness, which manifested in their sinfulness, they limited God. Unbelief, resulting in sinfulness can have deadly consequences on what we receive from God.


Dearest Heavenly Father, I know that you have a wonderful plan for my life. I yield completely to You by faith, believing You will do glorious and wonderful things in my life, in Jesus name.