I hold not the Rock, but the Rock holds me.

The Rock holds me, The Rock holds me,

I hold not the Rock, but the Rock holds me.

I am standing on the Rock of God



"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." (Isaiah chapter 41 verse 10 )


   There is a common sickness ravaging humanity today; and it is called discouragement. It is touching the rich, the poor, the literate, the illiterate, the young and the old, even the wise and the foolish.

  Simply put, discouragement is an act of losing confidence over something. In other words, it's a deprivation of courage or confidence often resulting in persuading someone not to do something about some situation.

I see it as a quiet killer of the brave and also a secret assassin of the mighty in society. It is a devastating experience that has succeeded in stealing the joy, peace and the crown of many people. The devil has used discouragement as a tool to dig the grave of stars as well.

 What it does is that it gives you a thousand and one reason to give up on yourself and on your goal in life. It may come from thoughts that since no one in your family has ever made it, you are not likely to make it in life. Sometimes, the thought may be that since no one has ever succeeded in that career, why will someone like you venture into it; that it will be a colossal waste of your time and resources to do it. Sometimes, the devil may use your age, telling you that it's late for what you seek to come to pass in your life, with the suggestion that you throw in the towel and forget about the whole thing.

All these and more are the lies of satan that come to discourage you from being fulfilled in life. President Trump for instance became President at age 70 while President Obama, his predecessor, left office at age 55. The crucial thing is that before God and man, both were fulfilled. No matter the nature of your case, God will ensure that you're fulfilled, in Jesus name.

     Discouragement serves to take your eyes off your big God and focus it on a little mole hill, magnifying it to appear like a big mountain. Let's understand that there are certain things in our lives that we shouldn't give a thought about, in spite of what the devil makes them look like. The walls of Jericho for instance, looked very massive but were indeed discovered to be without foundation. Know from today, dearly beloved, that whatsoever is not established by God in your life is without foundation. As the mere shout from the Lord's people, made these massive walls to come tumbling down, so also will every mountain in your life come tumbling down, in Jesus name.

  In the face of life's challenges, God's Word to us today is "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

(Isaiah chapter 41 verse 10 )

       God has assured us of His awesome presence, His strength, His help, and that He will uphold us with His right Hand of righteousness. These are enough assurances that should serve to make us never to be dismayed as God's children.

 Whatever you might be going through that has resulted in discouragement, I advise that you take heed to God's Word to us today and that you cheer up yourself. Don't lose sight of the fact that the One that never disappoints has promised to be with you, help you, strengthen you, and uphold you.

     Stand firm therefore and see His salvation come upon you.


Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your Word that has made me know how much You care for me. Therefore I can never be discouraged, in Jesus Mighty name.