It is a good thing as a Christian to keep in focus always the worth of the faith that has been handed down to us. Once you loose focus of this fact, the result is that you see Christianity as nothing different, but one of those other religions practiced amongst men.

          Firstly, understand what it cost God to establish our faith! It cost Him His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, JESUS CHRIST! I wonder what it would have been, how helpless we would have been in Satan's hands, how evil would continually have triumphed over good, etc. If God had not given Jesus, His Son. Considering, the merciless character and the continual evil disposition of our adversary, the Devil; considering also the magnitude of wickedness and evil that would have been consequent upon the affairs of men, God sent His Son, Jesus as Deliverer of mankind. Anyone and everyone without Christ therefore has refused God's help and is to expect the full weight of the consequences of such refusal, which amongst others include a life characterised by darkness, evil, wickedness and an eventual separation from God's presence.

          What should our response to God be? ACCEPT JESUS AS OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR and thence from, to earnestly contend for the faith (Jude 3). This posits an attitude of diligence on our part to ensuring that we make our calling and election sure (2 Peter 1:10). It rests with us to work out our salvation with godly reverence! (Philippians 2:12). This presupposes seriousness and an attitude of appreciation on our part, without which, I have discovered, no one can witness the fullness of the reality of what God has done for us in Christ. Shalom!


Dearest Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of your only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ who came to deliver us from the evil one. I confess that Jesus Christ is my Lord, my Deliverer and my Life. Thank you Father for making me experience all of Christ in Jesus name.