"But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." (Matthew 12 verses 36 to 37, King James Version).

     As a believer, understand that the Christian faith is otherwise called the "Great Confession". Hebrews 3 verse 1 points to the Lord Jesus as the High Priest of our Profession (Confession). Practical Christianity has much to do with your confession, that is, what you say. What then is the meaning of the word "confession"?

    Simply put, “confession” is affirming something we believe. Again, it is testifying to something we know.

Furthermore, it is witnessing a truth that we have embraced.

       As Christians, we have been admonished in Hebrews 4 verse 14 that we "... hold fast our profession [confession]." Again, and in line with Psalms 107 verse 2, Christians are to continue to give a verbal testimony to their redemption from the hand of the enemy. In order to see the manifestation of our victory as Christians, we are to "hold fast" to our confession because our confession is Satan's defeat.

     In practical Christianity, confession is simply saying what God says; ie, talking the language of the Bible at all times. It is resisting and overcoming Satan with what the Lord says about you (see Revelation 12 verse 11). The Greek word from which the word "confession" is translated means, "saying the same thing"; that is, "saying what God says," or "agreeing with God in your conversation"; or to "acknowledge God's Word." Truth is that you may believe a thing and you will never see it come to pass in your life, until you confess it. Indeed, the Bible says that if you believe a thing, you must confess it (see 2nd Corinthians 4 verse 13).

     According to Romans 10 verse 10, with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation. The word “salvation” means "preserved", "saved", "healed", and "whole". Romans 10 verse 10 shows that under God's economy, the way we enter into His salvation is through what we say. To see God's salvation in our lives therefore, we have to learn to say the same thing as God; that is, "saying what God says," or "agreeing with God" in our conversation.

     So you see, for the Christian, there is no room for "idle" words. Most importantly, we have to understand that in Christ Jesus, believers are made "kings and priests" unto the Lord our God (see Revelation 5 verse 10). As a king and priest therefore, you'll always have what you say, whether good or bad. To be victorious in the Christian faith, learn to be consistent in speaking wholesome words. A man that oscillates between wholesome words and idle words creates confusion in his life; and this accounts for why many people's lives are in confusion.


Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I repent of speaking idle words. Rather, I resolve to put Your Word only on my lips. By the words of my lips therefore, I agree with You as to what becomes of me in life and in eternity, in Jesus name.