"The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage" - Psalm 16:6.

     This is in reference to the Biblical division of the land of Canaan by lot among the tribes of Israel, the measurement thereof being ascertained by lines. In dividing God's possession to humanity, it has pleased God to set apart in Christ an "enviable", "choice", "pleasant", and "goodly" heritage. Though, literally speaking, this alludes to the Israelis' earthly heritage in the land of Canaan, yet figuratively, it is of GOD Himself as our all satisfying Portion. For instance, it has been said:

"Thou art my portion, O LORD: .. ." - Psalms 119:57 (KJV).

"The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance ... " - Psalms 16:5 (KJV).

"... I am thy part and thine inheritance ... " - Num 18:20.

    In Christ, there is that definite "portion" or "lot" set aside by immutable divine Authority, which is the basis of the envy of satan and his forces. Here we have an Overruling Destiny which has fixed the bounds of our heritage and possession in "pleasant places"; and we are more than satisfied or rather, grateful to Him, the overriding predestinating GOD who happens to be 'our Father'!

       What makes it a goodly heritage lies in the following: (1) It carries the favour of God with it, and with a solemn promise to maintain it Himself (Ps 16:5), (2) It comes to us from a Father's hand, (3) It comes through the covenant of grace. We did not work for it but were predestined thereto by God Himself, (4) It is the purchase of Christ's blood and (5) It is an answer to prayer, and a blessing from above upon honest endeavors.

    As a result, we are overjoyed by the fact that our heritage is enviably blessed and secured by God Himself. Though things may look dismal at the moment, cheer up because we are convinced beyond reasonable doubt that since we have the Almighty with us maintaining our lot (Ps 16:5), nothing short of a goodly heritage is our lot and portion, in Jesus name.

   In the remainder of the year 2022 and all through the year 2023, you are entitled to nothing less: for " the lines are fallen unto (you) in pleasant places; yea, (you) have a goodly heritage ", in Jesus name. Henceforth, all who behold you shall be moved to envy because of the beauty of God's providence made manifest in your life, in Jesus name.

       I wish you a blessed new year in advance!


Dearest Heavenly Father, I thank you for making the lines to fall unto me in pleasant places. Nothing can be assuring as having you maintain my lot. Indeed, a goodly heritage I possess, in Jesus name.